Filing Document(s) in Japanese with Municipal Office
Do you need any assistance in filing documents in Japanese for marriage, adoption, divorce, burial, death, or other need with a Japanese municipal office?
Japanese Statutes and Precedents
Do you need to translate Japanese laws, ordinances, cases, or reviews in periodicals into English or another language?
We handle partial or complete translation of statutes and precedents in any field of law including civil, criminal, labor, and corporation law.
If you know the number of the Article or Case you want translated, just give it to us and we will find and translate it into any language you specify. If you do not know the number, we will search for what you are looking for after receiving a description of the desired material from you.
Our pool of experienced paralegal translators is at your disposal.
Please email us to receive information regarding our competitive prices.
Statutes Translation Research Institute
MKY Associates, Inc.